Upcoming & Past events
Try Table Tennis 2023
UWATTC for the first time hosted a Try Table Tennis event, where experienced coaches and players ran group lessons for beginner/intermediate players. Thank you for all the players and coaches who attended!
Unisport Nationals 2023
Registration for Unisport Nationals 2023 is now open! Please see the following link for more information: . Nationals will be held from Sep 23-29 at Gold Coast, QLD.
Register your interest as a student athlete:
Email if you would like to register interest as a team manager/coach
2023 UWA O-Day!
Come and stop by our UWA O-day stall on the 24th of Feb (Friday)! We will have information, sign-up sheets, and even a table you can practice on! See you there!
UWATTC Annual Tournament 2022 Winners
Thank you to all who participated and came to watch, and congratulations to our winners!
1st: Ian Tan-Kang
2nd: Congyang Yu
3rd: Bill Zhou
UWATTC Annual Tournament 2022
Register here:
UWATTC will be hosting our annual tournament on 17th September 4-6pm
Entry fee: $10 members, $20 non-members
WA State Open Championship – 26-27 Aug
Entry registration online only at : [].
TTWA will be hosting the WA State Open Championships from 26-27 Aug. Entries close on 14 August.
Tournament Details (also available on TTWA website)
Unisport Nationals Trials
Unisport Nationals Try-Outs will be held on Mon & Wed (20th & 22nd June 2022) from 4-5:30pm on both days @ UWA Sports Hall. If you are interested in representing UWA and Nationals please sign up here:
UniSport nationals expressions of interest for players and coach manager is also available! Please click here to find out more information!
Unisport Western Series
The Western Series Racquet Sports competition will be held on the 27th (Wed) of April at Curtin University. Please see the Competitive tab above for more information! Both men's and women's singles and doubles events are available (no mixed doubles).
2022 UWA O-Day!
Come and stop by our UWA O-day stall on the 25th of Feb (Friday)! We will have information, sign-up sheets, and even a table you can practice on! See you there!
Kids Holiday Program
The club recently participated in the UWA's Kids Holiday Programme, teaching and coaching kids on how to play table tennis! This is in line with the Clubs aim of promoting and growing table tennis at a state and university level.